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May 2019

Lasagna with no pastry

By General
  • Ingredients for meat filling
  • 1 small onion chopped
  • 250 g beef mince
  • 1 teas crushed garlic
  • 1 teas olive oil
  • 400g tin organic tomatoe’s
  • 1/2 teas oregano -1/2 teas basil
  •  1 bay leaf- optional

Fry onion and garlic in medium saucepan for 5 min, add mince and stir till colour changes. Add tomatoes, herbs, and bring to boil, cook for 15 minutes on low with lid on. For extra nutrition, add 1 small grated carrot,3 sliced mushrooms and 250 g baby spinach. Add 1 teas vegetta [gf] season with salt and pepper to taste, simmer a further 10 min, with lid off. ( you need a fairly dry mix, as there is no pastry to absorb the liquid.)

  • Ingredients for white sauce.
  • 30 g nuttelex
  • 1 heaped tabls of plain GF flour or spelt flour.
  • 1 1/4 of lastose free milk or alternative
  • 1/2 cup of cheese of your choice. (lastose, vegan, dairy)

Melt nuttelex in small saucepan, add flour and stir to combine, remove from heat, add small amount of  milk, stir to combine, return to heat and slowly add rest of milk stirring till thick. Remove from heat.You can add some cheese here if you would like a cheese sauce. Remove from heat. stand

  • Ingredients for crepes.
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 tabls cream of milk
  • 2 tabls arrowroot flour (optional)

Mix together all ingredients with whisk or stick blender. Pour a small amount into 30 cm. pan and cook till bubbles show and then flip over.( the amount of eggs determine the layers. 5 eggs. 5 layers.)

Assemble by putting 1 crepe on the bottom, spread meat sauce over crepe to cover approx’ 2 cm. drizzle over a small amount of white sauce sparingly, continue with layers till top and spread the rest of the white sauce over and sprinkle with remaining cheese and 2-3 tables of parmesan cheese if desired or alternative. Cook in fan forced oven 180’approx’ 10-20 min to melt cheese. Everything is cooked, so no need to over cook. This can be made ahead of time and assembled when ready to serve.